Time loop solution

Disclaimer and note on medical issues
On SiriSana.com you will NOT find any healing or health promises, but only experience values. Please note this health - medical disclaimer!
Disclaimer and note to medical questions of SiriSana.com
SiriSana.com and its authors are not liable for any inconvenience or damage resulting from the use of the information provided on this website.
Our texts may not be understood and used as a basis for independently made diagnoses or even for the beginning, change or termination of medical treatment for diseases. They are in no way a substitute for professional medical or pharmacist advice. For complaints or questions concerning your health, you should always consult a trusted physician.
The contents of this website, the sole purpose of which is to provide information and further education on the subject, are freely accessible and have been compiled with the utmost care. The provider of this website does not assume any liability for the correctness, topicality and/or completeness of the texts/contents provided. The contents of our texts are not intended for advertising purposes and do not constitute a recommendation of the diagnostic procedures, drugs or therapies mentioned/described in each case.
Disclaimer or general information on medical topics:
1. the contents presented here are for neutral information purposes only. We do not claim to replace the advice of a doctor or pharmacist. On the contrary, we strongly encourage you to seek it.
2. do not use the information obtained for independent and untested diagnostic purposes or for the treatment, cure or prevention of diseases.
3. do not use it as a basis for independent diagnoses or for starting, changing or even stopping treatment of symptoms or diseases.
4. SiriSana products are offered as dietary supplements and are in no way a substitute for prescribed medication and should not be used during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. Again: Ask your doctor or pharmacist before you start taking or using.
5. all texts presented here neither claim to be complete nor can the topicality, correctness and (scientific) balance of the texts be guaranteed.
6. as carefully researched as this information is, it in no way replaces the professional advice of a doctor or pharmacist.
7. in case of health questions or complaints or intolerances during use, ask your doctor or pharmacist!
8. we assume no liability for misinterpretation of this information, for evaluations and assessments or diagnoses drawn from it.
9. we also assume no liability for damages, inconveniences or side effects resulting from the use and implementation of the information or products presented here.
In a sentence:
You are responsible for yourself for the consequences.
Therefore, inform yourself well and thoroughly.