Time loop solution

Vaccine damage
It is almost impossible to get reliable quantitative
data on vaccine damage.
There is the Berlin hairdresser who has already buried 13 friends within weeks of vaccination, or the US online portal that asks for stories of unvaccinated people who have contracted covid and promptly receives 180,000 responses about vaccine damage.
Qualitatively, vaccine damage is well known:
Clumping of the blood, thrombosis, paralysis, heart valve inflammation, heart attacks and strokes top the list.
Neurological damage with irreversible Parkinson's-like tremor.
Necrosis of the skin
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Chronic pain
Massive increase in cancer
Post-mortem examinations of vaccinated deaths revealed that one element was present in all affected individuals: an extreme concentration of leukocytes in the tissues of the organs, indicating a violent autoimmune disease.
This autoimmune disease affected all organs, including those that did not result in death by failure. This reaction could be present in all vaccinated individuals, making it only a matter of time before more serious complications could occur.
Discharging the vaccine could be life-saving in this case.