Harald Kautz-Vella: Transhumanism, Morgellans, Archons, AI, Black magic, Black goo, healing
#Adrian #health #HaraldKautzVella
Harald Kautz-Vella is an extraordinary researcher. He joins me for a very deep and fascinating heart felt discussion across a broad range of subjects that he has been researching for many years.
The conversation starts with chemtrails / contrail, transhumanism, what AI gets from this (versus what we are told we will get), black magic and the dark arts, satanism and satan, Gaia, black goo, and the alien black goo. our gaming addiction to money.
It is not all negative and if we choose to we can all heal and find our way home. The vital important of moving back into heart consciousness.
You can find more on Harald here:
https://aquarius-technologies.de under publications, check available languages by changing the flags
He recommended this site for information on part of the healing process:
zingdad.com, Arn Allingham runs this site, the most fruitful offer from his end is the divine light ignite meditation cycle, 30 days, only like 20 minutes work every day, but an incredibly precise toolset for self healing.
A playlist with Harald speaking to others: